updating from SLES 10 sp1 to SLES 10 sp2

for some reason I’ve had to do a lot of updates lately of OSes…

SLES 10 SP1 is kernel for my ppc nodes.

SLES 10 SP2 is

I did my update via yast.

This URL had some helpful info:


Trick:  Have to do a symbollic link:

cd /install/sles10.2/ppc/1/patches

ln -s ../suse .

Then you put this directory in yast:


Here is the yast configuration portion on the nodes you are updateing:

Software -> Installation Source -> Add –> specify URL -> http://<mgmt>/install/sles10.2/ppc64/1/patches

You’ll also need to add the SLES 10 SP2 base DVD in there as well.  Do the above, but put in http://<mgmt>/install/sles10.2/ppc64/1/ (no patches)

If you get that then you’ll have to accept the license.

Since mine had the old SP1 in the installation source I got rid of that.  The easiest was to use zypper:

c670e2p6:~ # zypper sl
# | Enabled | Refresh | Type | Name                                  | URI
1 | Yes     | Yes     | YUM  | SUSE_SLES_SP2-10.2-18-20090915-023741 | http://c670ep1/install/sles10.2/ppc64/1/patches
2 | Yes     | Yes     | YaST | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1   |
3 | Yes     | Yes     | YaST | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2   | http://c670ep1/install/sles10.2/ppc64/1

I removed the #2 entry:  zypper sd 2

From there I went back into yast and did Software -> Online Update

After stumbling through install directories a few times I finally was able to update everything.  I think yast is non-optimal and I’m a much bigger fan of Yum.

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